How to convert music to mp3 and wav?

In this tutorial you would be learning how to convert music files to mp3 and wav format. Just follow these simple steps.

Step No. 1: Log on to the website
Log on to the url: logo

Step No. 2: Upload
Click on the “Browse” button and choose a file you want to convert. Once selected simply hit the upload button.
field of choice and upload the file

Step No. 3: Format and Quality
Once the upload has completed you can select the format in which you want the music file to be converted in. You can choose the “mp3” format or the “wav” format. You can even choose the quality for your conversion. Once done with choosing the details for the conversion, simply hit the “Convert” button.
format and quality list

Step No. 4: Processing and Download
The website would process the music file and convert it into your required format. Once done, the website would allow you to download the converted music file.