Tag Archives: youtube


How to play YouTube audio in background on iPhone or iPad

This tutorial will show you how to play YouTube audio in background on iPhone or iPad

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How to Copy Someone Else’s YouTube Playlist

YouTube is a website designed for sharing video. Millions of users around the world have created accounts on the site that allow them to upload videos that anyone can watch. Many users create and manage playlists to organize their videos and provide an extended viewing experience.
This make it easy for viewers to lean back and watch multiple videos with minimal effort. If you really like a Youtube playlist, you should clone that Youtube playlist into your Youtube account.

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How to Organize YouTube Subscriptions

In this tutorial you will learn how to organize YouTube subscriptions.
True YouTube fans spend hours and hours watching YouTube clips and leaving tens of comments under each video that they like. Some go so far as recording their daily life with iPhone and uploading hundreds of videos to their channels.
While usual Internet users do not need to go to such lengths to get the best of YouTube experience, there are some tips and tricks one can learn from hard-core YouTube users. This tutorial is dedicated to organization of multiple YouTube subscriptions.

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Basics Mac Web

How to Change Youtube Profile Picture on iPad

This tutorial is going to show you how to change your YouTube profile picture on an iPad.

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Basics Web

How to Set Parental Control to Youtube Videos

This tutorial is going to show you how to set up the YouTube parental controls so you can limit what your children can browse for on YouTube.

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How to Add Twitter Link to Youtube Video

In this tutorial we will show you how to add Twitter link to Youtube.

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How to Make Money on Youtube

Google and Youtube.com allows you to monetize your videos so that you
can begin making money off of the ads that are placed in and around your
videos. In this video, we will discuss how to activate monetization in your
Youtube account so that you can begin making money off of ads.

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Video Web

How to Export Video for Youtube from Adobe Premiere

In this tutorial, you will learn how to export video for Youtube from Adobe Premiere.
Once I have finished editing my masterpiece, I may want to upload it to yoututbe to share with the world. Exporting video for youtube from Premiere is very easy.

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How to Watch Youtube Videos on iPhone

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How To Add a Photo Slideshow To YouTube

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