Category Archives: Video


How to save Adobe Premiere videos as AVI

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How to save Adobe Premiere Elements videos

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How to export After Effects to Premiere CS6

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How to Make Shapes in Adobe After Effects

Adobe After Effects gives you the full advantage of making designs in different perspectives; 2D or 3D. Creating shapes has always been a difficult task because it comes under vector designing which compositing software normally do not support. In this tutorial, we will teach you how to draw basic shapes such as the rectangle. We will teach you how to draw different shapes on the same layer. Furthermore, we will guide you how to convert your shapes into 3D dimension.
In this tutorial, we will teach you the basics of making shapes in Adobe After Effects CS6.

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How to Create a Sketch Effect in After Effects

Adobe After Effects allows its user to do sketching. In this tutorial, we will be dealing with the Boris Pencil Sketch Effect. We are going to convert a video into sketch mode. The video is dynamic and comprises of different scenes. Thus, we can’t have the same configuration settings of the effect throughout the video. We’d have to reconfigure the settings as per the demands of the scene.
In this tutorial, we will guide you how to add Boris Pencil Sketch Effect in Adobe After Effect CS6.

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How to Add Gradient Effect in your Footage in Adobe After Effects

In this tutorial, we will use the blooming flower footage in which we will be adding the gradient effect to increase versatility of the project. This effect will generate the real feel of the multi-color effects mixed with footage which will add more dramatic value to the project. We will guide you on how to work with gradient in After Effects.
In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to add the gradient effect in your footage in Adobe After Effects CS6.

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After Effects Footage Tutorial

This is After Effects Footage tutorial, where we will teach you how to convert your footage in night shot in After Effects CS6. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use the blooming flower footage in which we will add multiple effects. This will convert this piece of footage into a night shot.
Night shot in After Effects gives you the experience of shooting in infrared vision in which only the heated area of the atmosphere is involved.

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How to Create a Smoke Effect in Adobe After Effects

In this After Effects tutorial, we will teach you how to generate Smoke in After Effect.
There are several effects that you can work with in Adobe After Effects. Smoke Effect gives your composition a misty look. To learn how to generate Smoke effect in After Effects, follow this step by step guide.

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How to Create a Fire Effect in After Effects

In this tutorial, we will guide you how to generate fire effects in Adobe after Effect CS6. Here all we will be doing is combining the CC particle world effect with different other effects to make flames on the screen. You won’t need any sort of third party plug-ins or add-ons for this.

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How to Create a Bubble Effect in After Effects

Want to enhance that underwater scene by adding bubbles on the screen. With the use of a few simple effects and playing around with the different options, we will teach you how to generate a Bubble effect in After Effects.

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