In this tutorial, we will use the blooming flower footage in which we will be adding the gradient effect to increase versatility of the project. This effect will generate the real feel of the multi-color effects mixed with footage which will add more dramatic value to the project. We will guide you on how to work with gradient in After Effects.
In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to add the gradient effect in your footage in Adobe After Effects CS6.
Step # 1 – Apply “Ramp”
Preview the timeline once in order to decide where you want to make the changes.
First of all, go to the effect menu and type “Ramp”. You will be prompted with the respective effect under the category of “Generate”. Simply, drag & drop the effect on the footage layer.

Step # 2 – Apply “Calculation”
Apply another effect by the name of Calculation from the effects menu in the same way.

Step # 3 – Configure Ramp Effect
Now go back to the effect control panel on the left hand side of your screen and configure the ramp effect. In the tutorial, we set the Start of Ramp to 0.0, 0.0 and the Start Color to “FF8566”.

Step # 4 – Add “Expression”
Now in order to add expression, keep the “alt” key pressed and click on the stopwatch next to the
“End of ramp” option by dropping down the layer menu.

Step # 5 – Change the Expression Script
When the expression is added, change its script to [0, thisLayer.height]

Step # 6 – Set End Color
Change the end color to something that is noticeable. In the tutorial, we changed the “end” color to 7765FC.

Step # 7 – Configure Calculation Effect
Once done, go to the calculation effect and change the Second Layer Opacity to 100 and Blending Mode to Hard Light. Your Ramp gradient will now work accordingly. You can also convert this footage into negative burnt by checking the “invert second layer” option in Adobe After Effects.

Step # 8 – Change the Ramp shape
Changing the ramp shape to radial ramp will place gradient throughout the frame. You can also expand the light scatter by increasing the ramp scatter value. The difference can be easily noticed from the preview monitor. In this way, you can work with gradient in After Effects.