In this tutorial you are going to learn how to fix dll file which can be essentially if you are having some computer troubles.
Step # 1 – Download a DLL Fixer
This tutorial is going to use a program called “DLL-Files Fixer” to help you fix a dll file error. First you need to visit the website “” and choose to download the trial version by click on the “Download now” link beneath “Free”. If you have more than one dll error you might need to pay for the premium version. Wait for the file to download.

Step # 2 – Installing the Program
When complete, click on the downloaded file. Click “Run” in the dialog box that appears, then click “Yes”. Click “Next” twice. The installation will run and when it is completed the program will start and it will scan the registry for errors – wait for this to run.

Step # 3 – Using the Program to Fix a DLL
To fix a dll file, click the “Install DLL Files” tab and into the search box type the name of the dll that you are having trouble with, here we are entering “hal.dll”. Click the large search button and several results will appear below. Find the dll file you are looking for and click on its link to download it. Once the download has completed you will be told that there is already a DLL file present with this name – choose to overwrite it. That is essentially how to fix dll files on a PC.