In this video tutorial we will show you how to make an animated GIF in GIMP from video.
In order to make an animated GIF in GIMP from video you have to install a plugin called GAP. Open the Internet Explorer and go to “”.

Type “gimp gap” in the search bar and press the “Search Art” button.

Find the latest version of GAP and click on it. On the next page click on “Download file”.

In the pop-up window select “Save As”. In the appeared window select the destination and press “Save”. Open the downloaded archive and extract the contents to Desktop.

The archive is no longer needed, so you can delete it. Open the folder with the plugin. Go to the “GAP-installer” folder and launch the plugin setup file.

If a system security warning pops up, click “More info” and press “Run anyway”. In the following window press “Yes”.
Select a language of the installation and press “OK”. Press “Next” to proceed with the installation. Accept the terms of license agreement by pressing “I Agree” button. In the following window select the GIMP installation folder. Now click “Install” to start the installation.

After the installation is complete click “Finish”. Close all windows and start the GIMP editor.
As you can see, a new “Video” menu has appeared. Go to the “Extract Videorange” option and select “Split Video into Frames”.
In the appeared window select the input videofile using the file browser and press “OK”.

Now set the start and the end frame for the animation. Since we don’t need an “Audiotrack”, set the value to “0”. Check the “Create only one multilayer Image” option and press “OK”.
After the frames have been extracted from the video, go to the “Image” menu and choose “Scale Image”.

In the appeared window set the image size and press “Scale”.
Now go to the “File” menu and choose “Export”.

Name your file and don’t forget to type “gif” extension in the end of the filename. Select the destination and press “Export”. In the pop-up window check the “As animation” option and press “Export”.
Now we can look at the final image by opening it with the Internet Explorer. The animation has been successfully created.