In this tutorial, we will show you how to use the unix rm command.
The RM command is used in UNIX based environments to remove directories or files. It can be used with different switches as well.
To understand more about unix commands of rm follow the tutorial steps given below.
Step 1 – List the directory contents
First of all, let’s move to the desktop over here and list the contents of the directory.

Step 2 – Enter a command to delete file
Over here, let’s remove file 1. For that type “rm – i 1” and hit enter. It will prompt you with a confirmation message, whether you want to delete the file or not. Over here, let’s type in “yes” and hit enter.

Step 3 – View if the file has been deleted
With that done, the file will be deleted as you can see from the directory.

Step 4 – Enter another command to delete file
Now let’s try another method for deleting the files, type the unix rm command “rm –f 2”.
With this command, you won’t be prompted with a confirmation message, and the file will be deleted straightaway.

Step 5 – Confirm if your file has been deleted
Similarly, if you use the “-v” trigger, you will get a confirmation message that the file has been removed.
These are some of the ways in which you can use the unix commands for rm in Linux.