In this tutorial you will learn about email game which raises respond productivity.
If you are an active individual, chances are that your email gets tens of emails per day, including advertising offers, spam that slipped through, messages from old friends that did not see you since college times and, of course, reminders about washing the dishes and buying groceries.
Sometimes you get disoriented in this sea of emails. That makes you sign out of that mailbox and play a fun game instead. After that you may feel even more guilty and disoriented than before…
There is, however, a fun way to get back on track. In the following minutes we will present it to you.
Step 1:
Go to This is a website of Email Game – a game that helps you to sort out your emails and deal with those non-read messages in a minute. You can also click “Watch a video” to get familiarized with game rules. We’ll skip this step.

Step 2:
So we enter our Gmail address in the field below the educational video and click “Let’s Play” button.

Step 3:
We are redirected to the page where we have to sign in to Gmail in order to give the Email Game access to our inbox.

Step 4:
The next page specifies which permissions you’ll have to give to Email Game. If you’re okay with letting the game to manage your contacts and view your mail – click “Accept”.

Step 5:
The next page prepares you for the game – you can choose your name and email signature. When you’re done – click “Next”.

Step 6:
Each game session will have 30 conversations by default. You will have 30 seconds to deal with short mails and more time to deal with longer emails. Remember that the counter should not get to zero. More game rules: you can archive or delete the message you’re done with. If you archive it, it will be stored in Gmail. For instance, you may want to archive your closed bills, event invitations, information about online purchases and so on. On the other hand, if you’ve ordered that item with Paypal and you’re happy with it, you might as well delete the order message.
And yes, it makes sense to be merciless with those advertising and account registration emails – you know you’ll probably won’t need to access them or store them. If you are not sure what to do with email, but the clock is ticking, you may choose to Skip it or Boomerang it.
If you Skip it, you’ll have to deal with it later in the game. If you Boomerang it, it is archived temporarily under the label “Boomerang”. You can later request it and deal with the message in another games.

Step 7:
Are you ready? Click “Start Game”.

Step 8:
During the Email Game you will learn that most of emails can be dealt with in less than 30 seconds.
The earrings from Ebay are on its way to us? Good!
It’s time to wash the dishes? No, it’s their time to wash the dishes!

Step 9:
And the winner is us! As you can see, it’s possible to win this battle between you and inbox mess.
Result: Congratulations! You have won the Email Game together with us and learned how to play it!