Tag Archives: flash


How to Create Flash Chat Form for Your Website

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to create virtual chat room. “Chat” means sending and receiving text messages in real time to one or more people on any particular topic. This tutorial will show you that how to create virtual chat rooms without registration.

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How to Create Flash Banner

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How to Create Button in Flash

A new user of Flash normally starts to learn the software by creating a button as his/her first project. It is interactive and dynamic. Creating a button in flash is not a difficult job.
In this tutorial, we will teach you how to create a button in flash.

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Graphics Web

How to Rotate and Moving Objects in Adobe Flash

Rotation in flash refers to giving additional effect to moving object in animation. Moving objects are produced using the motion tween. These moving objects can be rotated by altering simple properties of the motion tween. Follow this step by step guide in order to learn how to rotate in flash.

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Graphics Web

How to Masking in Adobe Flash

Masking in flash is an important concept. It is used to hide a part of the content and show another part. Thus mask is a layer that shows only the area that has to be shown. A mask can be of any shape. Any symbol can be used as a mask. After creating a mask, it can be animated as well to create effects. Follow this guide to learn how to mask in Flash.

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Graphics Web

How to Create Zoom Effect in Adobe Flash

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a zoom effect. In this effect an image will get scaled up and again it will get scaled down thereby creating a zoom-in and a Zoom-out effect. We will do the zooming with the basic of Motion tweening in Flash. With the help of this tutorial, you will learn how to zoom in Flash on the prescribed frames.

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Graphics Web

How to Add Video in Adobe Flash

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add video in Flash. We will import the video into Flash. The file should be of the extension .flv. This tutorial gives you a clear idea about adding videos in flash.

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Graphics Web

How to Create Grid in Adobe Flash

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a grid in flash. ActionScript 3.0 is utilized here to add the grids dynamically in flash. This is helpful when creating heavy animations and movies.

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How to Use Mouse Events in Adobe Flash

This tutorial deals with the basics of mouse events in Flash. Buttons are the only objects available in flash which are interactive. They can detect the different events raised by a mouse. So we shall create a simple button and Implement ActionScript to record the events of the mouse.

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Graphics Web

How to Create Shape Tween in Adobe Flash

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a shape tween on flash. This changes the shape of objects over time. Shape tweening is similar to morphing where the shape of the object is targeted.

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