Tag Archives: tags


How to Add Tags to Documents and Folders in OS.X 10.9

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to add tags in OS.X 10.9 to documents and folders. By applying tags to files and folders you can stay organized. In case you forget where a particular file is, you can always search it by the tag associated with it.

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PC Tweaks Web

How to Use Display Block in CSS

Block Tags are widely used in HTML designing and creating interactive web pages. When we insert a Block tag in a source code with an Image or Text, it will automatically add margin and space to it.

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How to Use Search by Tags on Tumblr

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How to SEO Alt Tags

In this tutorial, you will learn how to SEO Alt tags in your website.
SEO Alt tags basically define the images that you are using in your website or blog post. This helps the search engines find them in the search results.

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How to Use Inline Tags in HTML

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What are HTML Tags

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How to review tags in Facebook

Facebook is a popular website for social networking and the major reason behind it is the fact that it allows feasibility and ease to its users. Facebook profile options are multiple and you can figure them out as you expand your profile with time but you need to know the right and secure way of carrying out this process. Things such as tagging in Facebook, sharing content with public and even friends should be kept discrete and reviewing tags helps you do so.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to review tags in Facebook.

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