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Adobe Acrobat provides with various tools for review and editing of documents, form, tables etc. as a Portable Document Format (PDF). It is an effective way of presenting information in a fixed form close to its publishing results. Toolbars in Acrobat are your essential key to running it and provide an easy-to-use interface. To further make using Acrobat easy for yourself, you should customize toolbars according to your specific usage and needs. Follow this tutorial to learn how to customize your toolbars in Adobe Acrobat.
It is quite easy to modify toolbars in Word. In this tutorial, we will show you functions which include customizing the toolbar by adding optional buttons in the toolbar or deleting buttons in the toolbar. Also it allows you to choose where you want to place the toolbar. One interesting thing is that you can assign any key for a command.
In this tutorial you are going to learn how to modify toolbars and keyboard settings in Microsoft Word.
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