Category Archives: PC

Basics PC

How to Use Unix Cut Command

In this tutorial, we will teach you on how to use the UNIX cut command.
Cut command is basically used to select or extract a chunk of text from a particular file. You can do that by specifying a particular range where the text is present in the file. You can even specify specific characters.

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Basics PC

How to Install OpenSSH to Windows

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to install Open SSH to Windows. We will guide you through the setup wizard and teach you how to install openssh to Windows. We will guide you on how to connect with the ssh server. We will introduce you to certain commands that might come in handy when working with the ssh server.

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Basics PC

How do I Setup SSH on Windows

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to setup SSH on windows.
For this tutorial, we will be working on Cygwin, which is a SSH tool for Windows, with the help of which you can setup and configure the SSH server and client.
You can log on to to download and install the application. For this tutorial, we will assume that you have already downloaded and installed cygwin on your computer.

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Basics PC

How to Install DB2

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to install db2.
DB2 falls in the family of relational database management system (RDBMS) products from IBM that are workable with various operating system platforms.

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Basics PC

How to Add a Network Printer in Windows

In this tutorial, we will show you how to add a printer on the network in windows.

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Basics PC

How to Fix ‘Task Manager has been Disabled’ Error

In this tutorial, we will show you how to fix the ‘Task Manager has been disabled’ error which occurs in Windows XP.

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Office PC

How to Format Date in Excel via VBA

In this tutorial, we will teach you how in Excel, the format date feature can be applied using Visual Basic. Basically, there are many vba excel format date keywords that can be used in your code to display the date in the format you want.

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Office PC

How to Search in Excel via VBA Code

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to search in Excel using visual basic. Visual Basic is a simple programming language developed by Microsoft. It is also integrated into several Microsoft Office applications. By using Visual Basic, we can add advanced functions using VBA scripts called macros. Usually macros are used to perform that needs to be carry out repeatedly.
As we have a very limited functionality of Search function in Excel therefore we can use the VBA macros to enhance search results as per our requirements. VBA Excel find script can be written in many ways depending on your needs. Here we are guiding you on creating a simple search in Excel VBA code.

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Office PC

Save in Excel. VBA Tutorial

In this tutorial we will guide you on how to save files in Excel using VBA. Visual Basic for applications (VBA) is a powerful programming language designed and developed by Microsoft. It is integrated in many Microsoft Office applications like Excel, Access etc. to helps users to create their own functions to perform specific tasks. Here we are showing you how a “Save as” option works by using Excel VBA. Instead of using the “Save as” button, we will record a macro and use the double click option in VBA Excel for save as function.

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Office PC

How to Open Excel File via VBA

In this tutorial we will guide you on how to open an Excel file via VBA. Visual Basic for applications or VBA is designed by Microsoft to be used along with handful of Microsoft applications such as Excel or Access. It comes up with Microsoft Excel 2007 and 2010 as built in tool. By using VBA, we can record our own macros and write scripts for performing specific tasks as per our requirements. If you are working with Excel and you need to open a particular file over and over again then you may take help from VBA and write up a simple code to let VBA open the Excel File for you in a single click.

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