Tag Archives: SSH


How to Use SSH on Mac

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to use SSH on Mac.
Secure Shell basically helps you to access and move data from one device to another using a network protocol. It basically provides you with a secure channel.

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How to Access SSH Command Line in Windows 

SSH, or more accurately, Secure Shell is network protocol which provides a set of rules for a secure communications between two computers connected by a medium prone to outside threats. In this tutorial we will guide you on how to access windows SSH command line. In windows there is no built-in utility for SSH, so we are going to use the open ssh application. You can download the application for free from openssh.org.

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How to Add SSH to Cygwin

Cygwin is a command line application providing a Unix based environment in Microsoft Windows. It supports all of the Unix commands. SSH, on the other hand is a network protocol which provides a secure medium of communications between two computers that are connected using a medium which is prone to outside attacks such as data theft.
In this tutorial, we will teach you how to use ssh with cygwin and add it to application.

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Basics PC

How do I Setup SSH on Windows

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to setup SSH on windows.
For this tutorial, we will be working on Cygwin, which is a SSH tool for Windows, with the help of which you can setup and configure the SSH server and client.
You can log on to cygwin.com to download and install the application. For this tutorial, we will assume that you have already downloaded and installed cygwin on your computer.

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How to Save SSH Keys on Mac

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to save ssh keys on mac.
Public key cryptography is used by SSH to authenticate the remote computer and similarly authenticate the user if required. There are various ways to use SSH. The first way is to make use of the public private key pairs that generated automatically so as to encrypt a network connection after which password can be entered for authentication to log on.
The other way is to generate the public private key manually so as to perform authentication which allows different users or programs to log in without providing a password. This way, anyone can generate a pair of matching keys (private and public).
To learn how to save ssh keys on mac follow the tutorial given below.

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How to Install SSH Client to Windows 7

SSH stands for Secure Shell. It’s a network protocol, a set of rules for communication between two devices over a network. It allows a computer to log into another computer, also running SSH client, execute commands over the network, and use its resources, transfer files and move data more securely, without the threat of being attacked from an outside party.
There are many third party vendors offering SSH applications for several platforms including SSH clients in Windows. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will be using BitVise SSH client to Windows 7.

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How to Access SSH Command Line in Windows

SSH, or more accurately, Secure Shell is network protocol which provides a set of rules for a secure communications between two computers connected by a medium prone to outside threats. In this tutorial we will guide you on how to access Windows SSH command line. In windows there is no built-in utility for SSH, so we are going to use the open ssh application. You can download the application for free from openssh.org.

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How to Copy Files Using SSH

In this tutorial we will show you how to copy files using SSH. You can transfer files using ssh as per your own requirement and need.
Secure Shell, or SSH, allows you to securely create a remote session which can then be used for ssh file transfer.

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