Steam offers users the option to give out a purchased game to anyone he or she chooses regardless of whether or not the recipient is a current steam user. The recipient will receive the gift as an attractive e-mail card with a personal message from you and how to redeem a gift.

Step #1 locate the game and add to cart
To buy a gift on steam to a friend, you need to first locate the game you would like to gift on the steam storefront and click ‘add to cart’

Step #2 choose ‘purchase as a gift’
Upon checking out, choose the ‘purchase as a gift’ option to purchase the items in your cart for a friend.

Step #3 select your gift recipient
You can either send your gift via e-mail address or select a recipient from one of your Friends in the steam community. Alternatively, you can place the game in your steam inventory and send it via steam trading. Crosscheck to ensure that you have typed the e-mail address correctly.

Step #4 enter your payment details to check out
Enter you payment details and check out. Your friend will receive a notification of the new gift. He can then install the game immediately.

Remember that, gift does not expire once they have been issued. Once the purchase has been activated, the game is permanently subscribed to the steam account that was redeemed on.
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