How to Change WordPress Keywords

In order to drive traffic towards your WordPress blog, it must be search engine friendly. Search engine tools gather information about a blog from its title, content, headings, description and keywords. This particular tutorial will teach you that how you can change WordPress keywords. You have to set or change the WordPress keywords to increase the rank of your website and make it more search engine friendly.
Step # 1: Go to “Editor”
In order to change WordPress keywords, Sign in your administrative dashboard by providing your username and password and clicking on the button “Sign in”. After you have signed in, Click on dashboard and go the the option ”Appearance”. A new menu will appear . Click on the “Editor” option from the menu.

Step #2: Go to header.php
When the Editor page will open, there will be a list of the template files listed on the right side of the screen. Click on the template’s “header.php”file.

Step # 3 – Locate Line “meta name=keyword”
At the top of the “header.php” code, there will be DOCTYPE tag and below the main DOCTYPE tag, there will be a number of meta tags. Under the title tag, there will be the code, where you can change the keywords. Locate the line which starts as “meta name = keyword”.

Step # 4: Changing WordPress keywords
From this particular line of code, the WordPress keywords can be changed. Replace the old keywords with the new one. You can add, remove or modify WordPress keywords from this line of code.

Step # 5: Save Changes
After you have successfully entered the new keywords, you need to save the changes in order to update your blog. Click on the “Update file” button located at the bottom of the page.