Wordpress Post excerpts are used to reduce your blog posts so as to show only the important part such as the introduction or the summary of the blog to the reader. Using WordPress post excerpts is optional, however they play a vital role in seeking attention of a reader towards your blog. The default wordpress excerpt lengths is 55 words. It means that WordPress will display minimum 55 words or more on the WordPress Index pages. After learning from this tutorial you will be able to change the value of WordPress excerpt length as of your choice.
Step # 1 –

Different blogs have different needs. Therefore, WordPress allows you to increase or decrease your WordPress post excerpt length according to your blog’s need. A simple PHP function has to be added into the theme’s PHP functions file in order to alter the excerpt length.

Step #2: Go to “Editor” Option
First, to alter your WordPress post excerpt length, you need to sign in your admin panel. After you have successfully logged in, click on the “Editor” option which is located in the appearance tab. The Appearance tab is located at the left side under the Dashboard menu.

Step # 3 – Choose newly added function
On the “Editor” page, you can see a number of functions listed in a menu. You have to choose the newly added function to alter the excerpt length among all the functions.

Step # 4 – Change the number according to your blog need
After you have chosen the newly added function, look at the number mentioned in the script which is being returned to the function “new_excerpt_length”.This function will decrease your excerpt length to 25 words, however you can change the length 25 in the function to any number to increase or decrease the excerpt length according to your needs.