In this tutorial you will learn how to connect to and chat in DALnet.
Step # 1 – Getting an IRC Client
Connecting to DALnet requires an IRC client. Go to “,” and under “Windows Based Clients,” click the link next to “Turbo IRC.” When you reach “,” click “Enter.” Then scroll to the bottom of the next page and click the gold “Turbo IRC” icon. At the top of the following page, click the “Download” button.

Step # 2 – Downloading Turbo IRC
You will now be on the download page. To the right of “TurboIRC 7 Installer (x86),” click the blue “download” link. A file will begin downloading in the lower left hand side of your browser window. This file is called “T7-X86-SETUP.EXE.” Once this file finishes downloading, click on it. Click “Yes” in the User Account Control box that opens.

Step # 3 – Installing Turbo IRC
A box will now open asking if you want to install “TurboIRC 7.” Click “Yes.” You will now be taken to the “TurboIRC 7 Setup” section. Click “Next.” Read the License Agreement in the following section, and then click “I agree” again. You will now have the option of choosing an install location. Choose the install location, then click “Install.” Once the installation completes, you will be asked if you wished to visit the forum for news. For this tutorial, select “No” and then click “Finish” on the last section.

Step # 4 – Running Turbo IRC
You should now see a blue icon on your desktop which says “TurboIRC 7.” Double click on it, and TurboIRC will open. Read the “TurboIRC Wizard for newbies” and click “Next.” Then fill out your information and click “Next” again. On the next page, look over the instructions and then click “Finish.” At the top left side of the TurboIRC 7 interface, click the blue “Connect” button. A window will now open called “Connect.” In this window, select “Dalnet” on the left side, and then click “Connect” on the bottom.
You will now be connected to DALnet. In the “Join” window, choose “#chat” and click “Join.” You can then begin chatting with others.