Wikipedia already has several articles. Before you create an article on Wikipedia, you might need to search first to check that there is no existing article similar. If the article that you want to create is there, and you think people will like to look at it under a different name or spelling, you can do create one.
Step#1 Decide on your article subject
The first step is to decide what you want write about. In this video we are going to write about ‘‘Howtech studio’

Step#2 Search for the topic on Wikipedia
After you have decided on the topic to write about, go to Wikipedia and type your topic on the search box. For this case, we are going to type ‘Howtech studio’ and click go.

Step#3 Scroll down and see a list of articles
From the search a results, scroll down and see a list of articles with similar topic. For our case in this tutorial, there is no page with similar results.

Step#4 Ask for the page to be created
Click on the link that says ‘ask for the page to be created.’ You will be taken to a new page.

Step#5 Create a new article
On the new page, it has linkage that says ‘create a new article.’ Click on the link.

Step#6 Choose the kind of article you intend to create
Choose the kind of article that you intend to create. Choose ‘create an article now (for new users) or ‘create something else (for advanced users)’

Step#7 Confirm your subject that it does not exist
Confirm your subject is fresh. If it’s new, choose the second option that says ‘No, my proposed article doesn’t already exist.’

Step#8 Choose what your topic is all about
Choose what your proposed topic is all about from the list.

Step#9 Confirm your article meets requirements
Confirm if the article you intend to write meets the requirements.

Step#10 Confirm your article has reliable sources
Confirm that your article have good sources.

Step#11 Confirm your submission is neutral
Confirm that your submission is neutral, establishes notability, and is not copy pasted anywhere else.

Step#12 You are ready to go
And here you are ready to go. Choose between the three options. You can submit the article for review; begin writing your draft article or if you are a registered member you can choose to have the article go live. Remember, if your article isn’t ready to go live, it will be deleted immediately.

Step#13 Click ‘live help’ for support in the process
If you need further help with the article, choose ‘live help chat’ on top left of your window.

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