This tutorial will show you how to get excel data analysis tool which can greatly expand the functionality of Excel.
Step # 1 – Open Options
Start Excel and click on the “File” button in the top left hand corner. This will present you with a menu and you need to click on “Options”. The “Excel Options” window will then load.

Step # 2 – Accessing Add-Ins Settings
In this window you need to navigate to the “Add-Ins” option in the left hand menu. This will provide you with a list of all the available add ins for Excel. At the bottom there is a button called “Go…”, click on this. This will open the “Add-Ins” window.

Step # 3 – Locating Data Analysis
This window will give you several checkbox options. You need to click in the checkbox next to the “Analysis ToolPak” option then click “OK”. That is essentially how to get excel data analysis tool and to access it you need to navigate to the “Data” tab and you will see a new box called “Analysis” and within it the “Data Analysis” option.