In this tutorial you are going to learn how to hide facebook profile from public which can be a great way to improve your privacy online.
Step # 1 – Navigating to Your Privacy Settings
Go to Facebook and make sure that you are logged into your account. In the top right corner of the window click on the icon that looks like a gear and in the menu that appears click on “Privacy Settings.” A page called “Privacy Settings and Tools” will open.

Step # 2 – Adjusting Who Can See Your Posts
When you are learning how to hide facebook profile from public there is no single off switch. Instead you need to restrict several options. On the right side of the page click “Edit” at the top and in the window that appears click the drop down box that reads “Public”. Change this setting to either “Friends” or “Only me” depending on the level of privacy that you want, click “Close”. This will prevent the public from seeing posts on your profile.