In this tutorial, we will guide you how to install eclipse on a mac. Eclipse on mac is an open source project which provides a common ground to developers of different languages to create their own projects.
Step 1 – Download eclipse
So lets get started with our “how to install eclipse on a mac” tutorial. First of all, move to the dock and open up the Safari browser. With that done, log on to to download the installation file.
Over there, be sure to download the installation file according to the operating system you have currently installed.

Step 2 – Open downloads
When the download has been completed, click on the Go menu on the top bar and select the Downloads option in order to open the “downloads” folder.

Step 3 – Archive Utility
Over there, you will see the file that we just downloaded. Right click on it and a new window will open up. Over there, open up the file with the archive utility.

Step 4 – Extract the file
With that done, extract the contents of the file.

Step 5 – Copy the folder
Now you will see the eclipse folder appearing over here. Now let’s right click on the folder and copy it.

Step 6 – Paste eclipse folder
With that done, let’s move to the Applications section and paste the eclipse folder over here.

Step 7 – Open Eclipse
Once the folder has been completely copied, let’s open up the folder.

Step 8 – Eclipse Startup file
Over there, you can find the eclipse startup file. Let’s copy and then Paste it on the desktop so that we can access it more easily.

Step 9 – Install updates
Now double click on the eclipse icon and it will automatically find and install the required updates. These might include java updates which are a basic requirement for eclipse.

Step 10 – Workspace Launcer
Once the processing has completed, let’s double click on the eclipse icon to open it.
And now you can see that the application will open up and after a few minutes it will prompt you to select a work space. Over there, tick on the checkbox titled “use this is as the default and do not ask again” and click on OK to move forward. With that done, the Eclipse interface will open up and you are all ready to create your own projects in a mac environment. In this manner, you can install eclipse on Mac.