How to Set Up Push Gmail in iPhone Mail

In this tutorial you will learn how to set up push Gmail in iPhone mail. Pushing your mail to your notification center is a useful trick, so that you don’t miss important emails.
Step #1 – Tap Settings App Icon

Step #2 – Tap the Notifications tab
After this, scroll down to the “Not In Notification Center” section of the page.

Step #3 – Tap Mail
In here, we will be able to adjust which email accounts we want pushed to our iPhone.

Step #4 – Tap Gmail
We will then be taken to the notification center where we can adjust the settings.

Step #5 – Turn on Notification
Turn on the Gmail notifications by tapping the “off” button.

Step #6 – Change Alert Style
You can either choose none, banners, or alerts. Lets choose the banners option.

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