In this quick video you are going to learn about Keep, the note taking service from Google and how it ties in with Google Drive.
Step # 1 – Integration of Keep into Drive
Google Keep is one of the many applications offered by Google. While most of these can be accessed through the Google Drive site, Keep has been set up as a separate entity. Unlike many other Google apps, such as its word processor or spreadsheet program, you cannot access Keep from the Drive homepage.
Instead you will need to visit “”. As of mid-2013 there is no news about whether Google plan to integrate Keep into the Drive interface.

Step # 2 – Creating Notes
That said, once the keep site has loaded you can see that it is kept on the Drive subdomain “”. On the Keep homepage you can easily add a note by typing something at the top of the page and clicking “Done”.
It is also possible to change the color of the note, add a photograph or create a list using the three icons at the bottom right of the note entry field. Here we are going to click on the list option and you can see that a listing option appears, enter a few items here and you can easily check them off by clicking in the check box to the right of each field.

Step # 3 – Changing the View
You can also change how you view your notes by clicking on the view option icons in the top right of the page. Click “Grid View” and the notes will now be displayed in a grid pattern.
Click “List View” and the list will be displayed again. This has just been a quick introduction to what Google Keep is and how it is integrated into the Drive selection of apps from Google.