
How Do I Find Out My Internet Service Provider

How do I find out my internet service provider? To answer that question, you would have to find what you IP address is first.
In this tutorial we will guide you on how you can get the information about the Internet service providers. For this tutorial we will be covering both Windows and the Mac operating system.
So let’s get started with the Windows platform first.

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How to Use Skype on iPhone Running on iOS 7

In this tutorial you will learn how to use Skype running on iOS 7.
Over last few years, the Skype program done by programmers of Estonia has entered daily lives of millions of people. You probably know people who say “Skype me” instead of “Phone me” and whose long-term relationships almost entirely depend on Skype. There are even Skype love stories shown in contemporary museums!
Apart from your computer, Skype can be used on your iPhone and iPad. Here is a comprehensive overview on how to use it on your iPhone and how to deal with the iPhone version of Skype if you did not use it before. By the way, it works exactly the same way on your iPad!

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How to Use Location-Based Reminders on iPhone Running on iOS 7

In this tutorial you will learn how to use location-based reminders on iPhone running on iOS 7.
Imagine someone with great memory who reminds you of all-important daily tasks.
The “Reminders “ app is included in the standard iOS 7 distributions and it allows you to do just that.
Want to set one or two for yourself? Follow our tutorial to learn how to do it!

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How to Sync Facebook Contacts with iPhone (iOS 7)

In this tutorial you will learn how to sync Facebook contacts with iPhone running on iOS 7.
Recognizing the actual trends of the day, iOS7 has a new default when it comes to contacts and contact management: Facebook. Via the Facebook app, iOS 7 will try to reach as many of your Facebook friends as possible and populate your agenda with them. This is both good and bad: good as it acts as the ultimate backup and it’s accessible via a single application, and bad when you’re still holding Facebook touch with your ex but want him or her deleted from your agenda (memories will come back to haunt you).

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How to Use Private Browsing on iPhone Running on iOS 7

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use private browsing on the iPhone running on iOS 7.
When you use your friend’s iPhone or share your iPhone with your family, revealing your browsing history can be avoided. Here’s how to do it, step by step.

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How to Use Twitter on iPhone running on iOS 7

In this tutorial you will learn how to use Twitter on iPhone running on iOS 7.

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How to Send an MMS to a Group on iPhone

If you want to send an MMS to a group, you can easily do it with your iPhone’s “Messages” app. So how does that work?
What is an MMS or Multimedia Messaging Service? Basically it’s an SMS enhanced with a photo or video message. You can send such “enhanced SMSs” to your contacts, provided that their phones support MMS sending and your data plan supports it too.

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How to Make a Voicemail Greeting on iPhone

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a voicemail greeting for your iPhone. Ignoring a huge chore of claims, the standard iOS 7 does not have this feature implemented. Luckily, a third-party app comes to help.

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How to Make Vampire Teeth in Photoshop

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to make vampire teeth in Photoshop.

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How to Find Windows 8 Product Key

In this tutorial you will learn how to find Windows 8 product key.
If you’re going to reinstall your Windows 8, you’re going to be asked for your Windows product key. The Windows 8 product key is a series of 25 letters and numbers that looks somehow like this: (example shown on screen).
Normally your Windows 8 product key comes either on a sticker on your computer or with your documentation (in case you’ve purchased computer running Windows 8). If you’ve upgraded to Windows 8 and bought your upgraded operation system online, the product key should be in the confirmation email.

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