Tag Archives: Browsers


How to Sort Firefox Bookmarks by Age or Visit Count

When you decide to keep a Web page to look at later, you’re doing something called “bookmarking”. Bookmarks are simply links to sites that you visit frequently or want to keep handy for reference. Sometimes you have accumulated many bookmarks and you can’t find the one you’re looking for, but you remember that you visited the site many times. So it might be useful to display your bookmarks by visit count.

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How to Make Computer Faster

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to make your computer run faster. There are a number of ways you can go about this, but for now we will be sticking to slow processing caused by heavy programs. Heavy programs can eat up the memory and when working with multiple softwares at the same time, the computer processing speed becomes very slow.
We will be covering 4 types of applications that can slow your computer down.
So let’s get started.

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PC Tweaks

How to sync Bookmarks in All Browsers?

There are various internet browsers available nowadays. All these browsers offer competent services and latest features of browsing. People usually prefer using more than one browser to avail maximum features. However it’s a bit hard to keep track of your bookmarks in all browsers at the same time. With the advancement in technology, it has become very easy to synchronize bookmarks across browsers by using synchronization applications. Here in this tutorial, we will guide you on using Transmute Pro to transfer bookmarks between different browsers.

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