Tag Archives: data


How to Transfer Your Data From Android to iPhone on iOS 9

In this tutorial you are going to learn how to transfer data from Android to iOS on iPhone on iOS9.

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How to Delete ‘other’ Data on iPhone and iPad (iOS9)

In this tutorial you are going to learn how to delete ‘other’ data on iPhone and iPad.

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Office PC

How to Export Excel Data to Word via VBA

In this tutorial we will guide you on how to export Excel data to word using VBA.
For this tutorial, we will be working with this sheet over here. What we’re going to do is create a macro that allows the user to specify a separator and then export using VBA from Excel to Word file. In order to Export Excel Data, we will use some objects with multiple combinations and data range to export into a new Word Document. If Word document is already existed then the selected data will be added at the end of the existing document instead of creating a new one.

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How to Save Email Data to Dropbox

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How to Import Data from Google Reader. Short Backup Guide

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How to Download Your Facebook Data

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How to Move the Outlook 2010 Data File

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Basics Mac

How to Back Up Data on Mac

It’s extremely important to regularly make backup copies of all data that you work with. It’s even better if those backup copies can be automatically created by the operating system. OS X (os ten) has a built-in backup program to do just that. It’s called Time Machine, and we’ll talk about it in this video lesson.

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How to Target large data groups in Excel

Once you enter the data in Excel you should know how to work with it quickly and efficiently. While learning how to use Microsoft Excel you’ll realize that targeting large groups of data can be tricky and if you do not know the right steps then it becomes really hard to find your data and make changes to it. The numbers of cells that Excel has in one sheet are so many that even scrolling all the way down may become hectic so one should know the right shortcut keys.
Follow this step by step tutorial to learn how to target large data in Excel and make changes to it easily.

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