Tag Archives: linux


How to Backup Linux Files

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to backup Linux files.
Backups basically come in handy when there is a system hardware failure. All your data is still intact, and you can continue on working without any sort of data loss. Furthermore, accidental deletion and viruses can corrupt your data, and it’s all the more easier to recover the data from a backup copy.
There are two popular programs for Linux-based operating systems, the first is the LuckyBackup application and the other is Déjà Dup, which we will be looking into in this video.
Déjà Dup is a simple Duplicity based backup tool installed by default in Ubuntu.
You can even use other applications such as LuckyBackup. The application can be downloaded from luckybackup.sourceforge.com where you can even get a complete detailed documentation about the software as well.
If you are using Ubuntu, you can even use the Ubuntu Software Center to download and install LuckyBackup on your system.
For this tutorial, we will be primarily looking into Deja Dub.
So let’s get started.

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Basics PC

How to Install Linux Mint

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to install Linux Mint.

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Useful Ubuntu Shortcuts

With the help of shortcut keys, you can open up a certain application or complete a specific command within seconds just by pressing the respective keys on the keyboard. Saves a lot of time as compared to manually dragging all the way, locating the icon, and clicking on it, just to open up a certain application.
In this tutorial we will show you how to use the basic Ubuntu shortcuts.

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How to Work with SSH Timeout

When you log in to an SSH server using an SSH client, there is no time limit set in the SSH configuration file, which enables the session to be logged in for the maximum amount of time. We can set such a limit, so that the session expires after a specific period of time. This tutorial will show you how to setup a timeout value to an SSH session.

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How to Set Up and Change SSH Password

In UNIX platform, a password for SSH does not exists, a separate user-id and password is not required to login to a remote system, it uses the user account details of the UNIX system itself. In this tutorial we will guide you on how to set up and change the ssh password in Linux.

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How to Set Up a Password-less SSH Login

SSH or Secure Shell protocol allows two ways of authentication, one is the usual user name/password combination, and the other is use of a pair of public/private keys. These keys need to be generated and appended to on the remote server to allow for password-less SSH login. In this tutorial we will guide you on how to set up a password-less ssh login.

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How to Set and Check Classpath in Linux

A Classpath is a variable that contains the location of user defined classes in Java. This location is usually useful for Java compilers. In Linux, the classpath can be configured through terminal application, whereas in Windows environment, these values can be changed through environment variables. In this tutorial we will guide you on how to set classpath in linux.

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How to Install OpenSSH to Ubuntu

OpenSSH means OpenBSD Secure Shell, which is a software application that provide encrypted communication between computers connected over a network using the SSH protocol. It is an open source application for Linux based environment like Ubuntu. In this tutorial we will guide you on how to install openssh in Ubuntu.

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How to Install an SSH Certificate

SSH or Secure Shell protocol allows two ways of authentication, one is the usual user name/password combination, and the other is use of a pair of public/private keys. These keys need to be generated and appended to on the remote server to allow for a more secure mode of login. In this tutorial we will guide you on how to install an SSH certificate in Ubuntu.

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How to Find and Change SFTP Port Number

SFTP means SSH File Transfer Protocol or Secure File Transfer Protocol. It is a file transfer protocol but under the umbrella of SSH as one of its subsystems. Its purpose is to provide a secure channel of communications, in this case transfer of files. As with FTP, SFTP runs on a port. SFTP Default port number is generally 22. In this tutorial we will guide you on how to find and change SFTP port number.

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