Tag Archives: mysql


How to Install MySQL to Mac

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to install Mysql to Mac.
The database is a collection of structured data. It can be any collection of data; from a simple to-do list to an entire database of a firm. To process and access data stored in a database, dms (database management systems) such as the MySQL Server are needed.

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How to Reset MySQL Autoincrement

In this tutorial, we will show you how to reset the Auto increment field in MySQL.
Mysql Auto-increment allows a unique number to be generated when a new record is inserted into a table. The function allows you to automatically add 1 to the previous record if you enter a new value.
You can always reset Mysql auto increment so that when you delete a record your data does show an uneven picture.

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How to Set Up MySQL Replication

MySQL Replication basically allows the contents of the master database server in MySQL to be replicated to other database servers. In this tutorial we will show you how to set up MySQL replication through phpMyAdmin.

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How to Connect MySQL with PHP

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How to Create MySQL Primary Key

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How to Enable Query Cache in MySQL

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How to Export CSV Directly from MySQL

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How to Know MySQL Server Name

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How to Enable the Query Log in MySQL

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How to Import Excel to MySQL

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