Category Archives: Web


How to use Facebook advanced search

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to use Facebook advanced search.

Step # 1 – Running a Standard Search
First, go to “” and login to your Facebook account. Next, type your search phrase into the search box located on the top of the page, to the left of the magnifying glass icon. You may type in the name of a person or the name of an interest, a place, an app, a music artist, etc.
Searching within Facebook

Step # 2 – Accessing the Advanced Search Features
When you have finished typing in your search phrase, you will see “See More Results For ” at the bottom of the drop-down results for your search. Click on this link, and the advanced search filters will come up in the left-hand navigation bar. From here, you may narrow down your search by any of the options listed, including People, Pages, Places, Groups, Apps, etc.
Opting to see more results

Step # 3 – Refining a Search Further
If you click on the “People” search filter, you will see an option to further refine your search by adding any or all of three filters: “Location,” “Workplace,” and “Education” (which includes the date).
That’s it, you have now learned how to use Facebook advanced search.
Creating an additional search filter


How to Make Smileys on Facebook Chat

In this tutorial, we will show you how to make smileys on Facebook chat.

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How to search Facebook friends by area

In this tutorial, you will learn how to search Facebook friends by area.
Step # 1 – Accessing Your Facebook Profile
First, go to “” and login to your Facebook account. Once you are logged in, click on your name, to the left of the “Home” icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, this will bring up your profile page.
Accessing your profile page

Step # 2 – Entering a Specific Search Criteria
Next, click on your “Friends” icon, to the right of your status update box. In the upper right-hand corner of this screen, next to the “Edit” button,” click on the “+Find Friends” icon. From here, you will see a “Hometown” search box and a “Current City” search box. The “Hometown” search box will find people who have the hometown you enter in the search box listed as their own hometown, and the “Current City” search box will find people who have the current city you enter in the search box listed as their own current city.
Searching by hometown or city

Step # 3 – Adding Friends
After you enter the city you would like to search, simply hit enter and the list of people with that city listed will come up. Scroll through the list and add anybody you know by clicking the “Add Friend” icon next to their name. And that’s it, you now know how to search Facebook friends by area.
Adding friends who match the search criteria


How to make someone a Facebook event admin

In this tutorial, you will learn how to make someone a Facebook event admin. Recently, Facebook has changed its terminology so that instead of using the term “admin” for events, it now uses the term “host.” A host means the same thing as admin used to mean – the host can change the event description, control the event wall, make other people hosts (or “admins”), etc.

Step # 1 – Navigating to Events
First, go to “” and make sure you are logged into your Facebook account. You should see a list of items in the left-hand sidebar, including “Favorites,” “Pages,” etc. If you do not see this in the sidebar, click on the “Home” tab in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Next, click on the “Events” link, then click on the event you want to edit from the list (you should have created your event already).
Opening the Events area

Step # 2 – Adding a Host
Next, click on the “Edit” button in the upper right-hand corner of the events page, then add whoever you would like to add as an admin (host) where it says “Hosts,” then click “Save.” If the person you added was already invited to and joined the group, they will immediately become a host. If they have not yet joined, they will be sent an invitation and, once accepted, they will become a host.
You now know how to make someone a Facebook event admin, which is now called an event host.
Adding the host to the event


How to insert Facebook like button on website

This tutorial will show you how to insert Facebook like button on website.

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How to Hide Facebook Relationship Status Change

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How to Get Facebook Post Url

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How to Hide my Facebook Wall from a Friend

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How to Add Facebook Cover Page

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