How to Burn a CD in Itunes

In this tutorial, you will learn how to burn a CD in iTunes.

In order to burn a CD using iTunes, you must create a playlist containing the tracks you wish to burn onto a CD.
In the bottom left corner, click the plus + icon and select new playlist.
select new playlist

Give the playlist an appropriate name. Once you have all the tracks selected from your library, click and drag them into the playlist.
drag tracks from the library to the playlist

Click on the gear icon and select Burn playlist to disc
select burn playlist to disc

A dialogue box opens with your burn settings, you can select the speed at which it rights, the disk format as well as choose the gap between your selected songs. Once you have selected your options, click burn.
adjust burn settings

ITunes will prompt you to insert a disc. Once you’ve inserted a CD, iTunes will burn your songs onto a disc.
Itunes begins burning your disc