This video tutorial is going to show you how to find someone by e-mail address.
When you get an e-mail from someone you have never interacted with, before you reply, you will want to identify who the sender is. It possible to identify the sender by e-mail address online. This video tutorial is going to show 2ways to find someone by e-mail address.

Step#1 copy the senders e-mail address
Open your e-mail. Check on the ‘received from’ tab on top of your e-mail. There is an e-mail address of the sender. Copy the e-mail address.

Step#2 login to your face book account
Login to your facebook. Paste the e-mail address on your Face book search bar.

Step#3 click search on Facebook
Click search. Face book search will display results of your search. If the e-mail user is not a facebook user, results from the internet will be displayed. You can use the results to locate the sender online.

Step#4 visit the
Another way to find someone by e-mail address is to go .This is an online tool that allows you to search e-mails. Scroll down and click on ‘email finder’. This will open in a new tab.

Step#5 Copy and paste the e-mail address on the search box in the new tab
Copy the e-mail address and paste it on the box in the new tab. When you click search, results will be displayed on the window. You will only be shown the location of the sender. To get full details including name and info, you will need to subscribe. And that is all you have successfully located someone by e-mail address.

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