You may need an API key to use a Flickr plug-in. Flickr API key is used to set slideshows plug-in for word press and websites.

Step #1 login using Facebook and Gmail or yahoo account

Visit . Login using your face book, Gmail or yahoo account
Steps#2 go to ‘app garden’

On the Flickr homepage, scroll down to the menu below the window. On apps and API click app garden.
Step#3 click on Flickr API

On your app garden click ‘Flickr API’ on top of the page.
Step#4 click on API keys on the app garden

Step#5 click on ‘get another key’

Click on ‘get another key’ on the right hand side panel
Step#6 choose between non commercial key and commercial key

Choose between applying for a non commercial key and commercial key. Commercial key app is suitable for personal website or blog where you are only using your own images. Commercial key app on the other end is for business sites where they intend to make profit from their work. Choose your key app to continue.
Step #7 Enter your app name and details about your app
Enter the name of your app and a little detail about what you are building. Check on the boxes and submit. And here you will have successfully secured your API key. Remember that If you are using the in an application that someone else developed, for example to display your own or your group’s photos on your website or blog, then you’re all done!

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