How to install MongoDB on Ubuntu

Mongodb is a document oriented database system developed as open source. It helps and allows integration of related data for certain types of applications faster and easier.

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to install MongoDB on Ubuntu.
Step 1 – Download software
So lets get started with this how to install MongoDB on Ubuntu. First of all, open up the browser and log on to “”.
Move to the Linux section, choose the package according to your requirements and click on the “Download” button.
Download mongodb

Step 2 – Open Terminal
Now, let’s open up the terminal application and use the “ls” command to view the list of files in the current directory. Over there, you can see the MongoDb file that we have just downloaded.
Open Terminal application

Step 3 – Uncompress Archives
Now let’s type the following command:
“sudo tar xzvf mongodb-linux-i686-2.2.2.tgz. The “tar xzvf” bit in the command was used for uncompressing archives.
Uncompressing Archives

Step 4 – Enter password
Once you hit the enter key, you will prompted to type in your password before continuing with the process of installing mongodb in ubuntu.
Download mongodb

Step 5 – Install mongodb
Now type the following command in order to continue installing mongodb in ubuntu:
“sudo apt-get install mongodb”
Installing mongodb

Step 6 – Continue with installation
Next, type “y” to continue the installation procedure.
Continue installation

Step 7 – Exit the terminal
Now type “exit” to close the terminal.
Close terminal

Step 8 – Restart system
Now you will be required to restart the system to index the mongodb database.
Reboot system