How to Lost and Found Pets Online in Craigslist

In this tutorial you are going to learn how to use the lost and found pets part of Craigslist.  
Step # 1 – Going to Your Local Lost and Found Section
First, let’s look at how to search posts on Craigslist that relate to lost and found pets. Visit “” and you are going to need to navigate to the site where you want to search for lost and found pets. In this example we are selecting “Europe” as our continent and “London” as our city. On the London page you will see a section called “Community” and within this a link to “lost+found”. Click this link.

Step # 2 – Contacting the Poster
You will see posts appear and they are organized by date. Simple go through these and see if there is anything relevant to you. If you find something, click on the posting and read the description, if it relates to the pet you have lost or found, click on the reply button at the top and choose the email provider you would like to contact the poster with.

Step # 3 – Posting a Listing
Now, let’s look at the situation if you need to post a lost and found advert. Click the “lost & found” link at the top of the page and in the new page click “post” in the top right. Click the “pets” option on the page that loads and enter a title, location and description. Remember to mention if you are offering a reward for the return of the animal. Click “Continue” once you have entered all of the information. If you have an image of the lost or found pet you can upload it on this page, when done, click “Done with images”. On the next page review your posting and click “Continue”.

Step # 4 – Confirming the Posting
You will now need to confirm the posting, so navigate to your email account and open the email from Craigslist. Click the link within the email and on the page you are redirected to click “ACCEPT the terms of use”. Your posting will have been made and you will be able to see it by clicking on the link on this page and that is how to do lost and found pets on Craigslist.