Spotify allows you to access over 15 million songs and stream them live through the Spotify app on your computer. In this tutorial, we will discuss the Spotify interface, how to look up music, and how to create a playlist.

Because you have to have a Facebook account in order to sign up and download Spotify, you will see a list of your friends from Facebook that also use Spotify and updates on what they are currently listening to. By default, Spotify will also display what you have been listening to.

If you would like to turn off this function, just go up to your “Spotify Preferences”. In the center panel of the program, you will find an “Activity Sharing” box at the top.
Go to “show what I am listening to on Facebook” and uncheck this box. Above the list of your friends on the right, you will see an empty box. This is your “Favorite Persons” box.

If you happen to have a friend that has an excellent taste in music, just select them from your list below, and drag and drop their name into this box.

To search for an artist in Spotify, simply click on the search bar in the top
left corner.Type in the artists name and hit enter.

At the top of the page, you will see multiple playlists that this artist is in, Similar matches to this artist, and all of the albums by this artist. Below this information, you will see a library of this artist’s music.

Double click on any song to begin playing that track.

If you would like to start a new playlist in Spotify, Simply click on the “New Playlist” icon on the left panel. Spotify will prompt you to name this playlist.

From here, you can add music to this playlist by dragging any song in the search panel and dropping it onto the new playlist.

If you would like to share a song to friends in your social networks, just click on the “Share To” icon next to the track.

A message box will appear allowing you to type a message and post the
song as a status update.
If you would like to send a song to someone in private, click on the “Send to Friend” tab, choose anyone of your friends from Facebook. Add a message if you’d like. And click send.