
How to Make Free Phone Calls with Viber

Greetings! We have good news for you. The number of good apps that you can make free calls with is growing. Right now we’ll introduce you to Viber in this short overview tutorial.

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How to Fix Hard Drive Errors (Windows & Mac)

If you have been using a computer for some time, you probably lived up to the day when your faithful hard drive begins to fault. Depending on the gravity of its errors, here is an overview of what can go wrong and a short guide on how to fix that.
First, and most common type of errors, are errors in the logical structure of your hard drive. They appear when your hard drive was stopped during a reading or writing operation, and there was no time to reflect the change onto the logical disk maps that describe the continuity of information on your hard drive. In such case, a simple disk scan and repair is enough – the system will remove the ‘orphaned’ parts so you can copy them again properly.

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How to Backup and Restore Google Drive Files

Google Drive is a free tool used to create, edit and share documents online in real time. The web application allows you to work with various types of documents, such as word processing, spreadsheets, basic presentations and drawings, and when you are generating forms for surveys. If Google Drive is your file synchronization service of choice, or one of them, then you probably have installed the Drive application on all of your devices and systems. Although the data is automatically backed up in the Cloud – that means Google’s servers – when you use Drive, you may want to create a local backup of files, as well.

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How to Display all Internet Explorer Saved Passwords

When you sign in to a web service for the first time using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, you’ll receive a prompt that lets you save the username and password information so that you do not have to type them in again on the next visit. What Internet Explorer lacks is a password manager that you can use to browse and manage existing passwords.
IEPasswordDump is a free program for Windows that you can use to display or save all Internet Explorer usernames and passwords in one go.

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Download Tumblr Images in Bulk

Tumblr is a microblogging platform and social networking website owned by Yahoo! Inc.The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. Tumblr is known for the vast amount of image blogs that host on its servers. While it is possible to download images manually, it is not something that is suitable for bulk downloads. Sometimes you may want to download more than one image at once. Tumblr Downloader Professional is a new extension for Firefox and Chrome that helps you to do this.

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How to Preview and Compare System Fonts (Windows)

Whether you’re designing a flyer, writing a digital letter or customizing a website, it could be useful to view and compare the fonts on your system quickly.
There’s a small free tool called ‘Fonticate’ that will let you type in any sentence and display it using all the fonts on your system, simultaneously.

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How to Copy Someone Else’s YouTube Playlist

YouTube is a website designed for sharing video. Millions of users around the world have created accounts on the site that allow them to upload videos that anyone can watch. Many users create and manage playlists to organize their videos and provide an extended viewing experience.
This make it easy for viewers to lean back and watch multiple videos with minimal effort. If you really like a Youtube playlist, you should clone that Youtube playlist into your Youtube account.

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Office Web

How to Convert Email to PDF with Google Chrome

While there are plenty of PDF writing software and online conversion services around that can help you save web pages as PDF files, the fact is that, as long as you have Google Chrome on your computer, you don’t need any of them.
Google Chrome has a built-in PDF writer so you can easily convert any email message into a PDF file within the browser itself. However, if you are reading your emails on a mobile phone or a tablet, you would need some sort of a PDF conversion app.

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How to Allow Friends to Upload Files into Your Dropbox

Dropbox is a personal Cloud storage service. If you want your friends to upload files into your Dropbox, you can use “EntourageBox”, a tool that allows cloud storage owners to invite friends to upload files. Users can generate an invitation URL and share it with their friends.

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Office Web

How to Create a Resume in Google Drive

A resume is a written document that contains a summary of your work experience– including positions held at each employer–and your educational background. The look and design of a resume is often as important as the content, because a well-organized and eye-catching resume is more likely to attract the attention of an employer. Google Drive, aside from being completely free and available on the web, also has resume templates that look great and are easy to fill in.

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