Tag Archives: sessions


How to locate transcripts of chat sessions in Gmail

Gmail is the largest email service provider in the world. It has many different options of spam control, unlimited storage space, chat, labs etc. You can manage your chat conversations easily in Gmail, move them to Inbox, search for them through particular keywords, show or hide the label in the list of system labels etc.
Follow this step by step tutorial to learn How to locate transcripts of chat sessions in Gmail.

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How to control the privacy of your chat sessions in Gmail

Gmail is one of the largest email service providers in the industry. It gives many options including controlling spam, unlimited space, chat feature, conversation view, labs etc. Among these the chat feature can be altered and enhanced to your liking. It is easy to keep track of your chats by saving chats, as well as you can opt not to save chats at all.
Follow this step by step tutorial to learn How to control the privacy of your chat sessions in Gmail.

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