Tag Archives: viber


How to Delete a Viber Contact on iPhone

This tutorial will show you how to delete a Viber contact on iPhone. There is no way to delete a contact from within Viber.

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How to Backup Viber Messages on iPhone

This tutorial will show you how to backup Viber messages on iPhone. In a few easy steps learn how to back up all your messages and avoid losing your important conversations.

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How to Block a Contact in Viber

This tutorial will show you how to block a contact in Viber on iPhone. You can block them from within the conversation info screen.

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How to Delete Viber Messages on iPhone

This tutorial will show you how to delete Viber messages on iPhone.

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How to Save Viber Photos on iPhone

This tutorial will show you how to save media files from Viber to My Camera Roll.

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How to Setup Viber on iPad

This tutorial will show you how to setup Viber on iPad. There is a way to install Viber on your Ipad although Viber is design to work only on the iphone you can also use it on the iPad, the only thing to consider is that you won’t be able to use it on both devices at the same time.

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How to Change Viber Number on iPhone

This tutorial will show you how to change Viber number on iPhone.

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How to use Push-to-Talk in Viber

What is Push-to-Talk? According to Wikipedia, Push-to-Talk or press to transmit is a method of having conversations or talking on half-duplex communication lines, including two-way radio, using a momentary button to switch from voice reception mode to transmit mode. As many good things, first it has been an army technology and now it’s just everywhere.
What does it mean for a simple smartphone user? If you have an iPhone and Android with a free Viber app installed on it, you can profit from sending your voice message to another user using Viber on mobile phone even without having an actual active phone conversation and simultaneous connection.
Let’s say your friend is somewhere in metro station so you cannot talk due to interruptions on his or her line? Fine. Use “Push-to-Talk” feature and the recorded audio-sentence will be played by your friend whenever it’s possible.

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How to Make Free Phone Calls with Viber

Greetings! We have good news for you. The number of good apps that you can make free calls with is growing. Right now we’ll introduce you to Viber in this short overview tutorial.

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