Tag Archives: yahoo


How to create custom themes in My Yahoo

My Yahoo homepage themes are captivating features and they allow users to have their own personalized feeling while they are on the page. Trying to customize homepage is not only easy with My Yahoo but also interesting because of the options and theme colors/ textures one gets to work with. If there are no suitable preloaded themes to apply, there are options to create custom themes as well.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create custom themes in My Yahoo.

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How to collapse, expand, move content in My Yahoo

In order to get started with My Yahoo, you need to get a Yahoo account. You must open Yahoo account and use “my.yahoo.com” to explore an online page that is linked through multiple online resources. Through My Yahoo, you can view news, entertainment, movie updates, weather reports and much more. You can also rearrange and customize your page according to specific personal requirements.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to collapse, expand and move content in My Yahoo.

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How to change the color and theme of a tab in My Yahoo

My Yahoo homepage is an interesting forum for those who want to be connected with and updated about everything that is going on around the world. With the help of My Yahoo, one can stay updated and informed with topics of personal and professional interests and it also allows individuals to connect with each other on a common platform. Working with My Yahoo provides a wide range of management and editing features; such as, changing background themes, and adding tabs and content of your choice to your home page.
My Yahoo allows wide amounts of flexibility of features and applications on its website. There are preloaded themes available for you to choose from, customize and apply. “Environment”, “passions” and “textures” are some categories.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to change the color and theme of a tab in My Yahoo.

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How to add Rss Content in My Yahoo

RSS content is a part of almost every social and networking website. It can be used to add articles to a section or information which doesn’t actually belong to the same website link. If you want to add Yahoo RSS to your content tab, you can do so very simply. There are several links available including fashion, business news, sports and other categories which you can update.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to add RSS content in My Yahoo.

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How to add Groups of Related Content in My Yahoo

You can access My Yahoo thorough toolbar Yahoo and by going to the website “my.yahoo.com”. My Yahoo already has quick links and applications for you to choose from and use but it also allows you to create some of your own. With the help of preloaded tabs and groups of related content, you can learn how to add content to websites like these.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to add groups of related content in My Yahoo.

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How to add and browse for Content in My Yahoo

My Yahoo is a functional website page through which you can carry out a variety of personal and professional communication processes. My Yahoo page has different options ranging from using it for business to entertainment, using it for emails to instant messaging and too. All you need to do to get started is browse content and apps on Yahoo.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to add and browse for content in My Yahoo.

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Basics PC Tweaks

How to Open Two Yahoo Messengers at the same time?

Yahoo! Email is the most popular email service around the world. You can find many helpful and exciting features in a Yahoo! Email account. Yahoo! Messenger is one of its best features. It gives a facility to send instant messages to your contacts. Windows only allows only one instance of Yahoo! Messenger to run at a time. However by modifying few options in windows registry, you can run more than one Yahoo! Messengers at the same time.
Learn How to Open Two Yahoo Messengers at the same time by following the below given steps.

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Basics PC Web

How to install and use Yahoo! Messenger?

In this tutorial you would learn how to download, install and use Yahoo Messenger. Just follow the step by step guide given below

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