How to Boost Computer Performance?

There are many ways in which you can boost the performance of your PC. This tutorial would be covering the basic steps through which your system would be able to function more efficiently and effectively.

Step No. 1: Temp Directory
One good practice is to constantly clean your temp directory. To do that simply open up the “Start Up
Menu” and in the search box input the Percentage Sign (%) which you can get by pressing
the “CTRL+5 “ key on the keyboard and then write “temp” and then again the percentage sign. Once done simply hit “Enter” key and the temp directory would open. Delete all the files in this folder. It must be noted that not all files would get deleted and that’s perfectly fine. Just let them be.

Step No. 2: Msconfig
Another way to boost up the performance is by reducing the amount of applications running
in the background. Go to the “Start Up” menu and type in “msconfig” in the search box and hit “Enter”. A new window would open.

Go to the “Services” tab and uncheck all unnecessary applications that are running.

Now go to the “Boot” section and reduce the timeout from 30 to 3 seconds. In order for these changes to take effect you must restart your system.

Step No. 3: Disk Defragment
One of the ways that you must be familiar with is using the “Disk Defragment” tool. It is a good idea to keep defragmenting your hard drive on a regular basis.

Step No. 4: Performance Options
You can also reduce the performance options, or in other words changing the visual appearance of windows, to boost the performance of your computer. Simply go to system, choose the “Advanced System Settings” option and click on the “Settings” button under the performance tab. Now you can choose the “Adjust for best performance” option and click on “Apply”. This would remove all the animations and additional features within the windows user interface.