In this tutorial, we will teach you how to unblock facebook page.
In several offices, social networking websites and chat clients are not accessible. The employers believe that these websites hinder the productivity of their employees. In this tutorial, we will teach you how to unblock facebook and use it even when it is prohibited.
Step 1 – Go to
Follow this step by step guide to learn how to unblock facebook page.
First of all, open a web browser and go to Kproxy protects the privacy and identity of the user while giving him/her access to prohibited or censored sites.

Step 2 – Enter
Once the web page loads, enter in the search bar and then click on the surf button.

Step 3 – Unblock facebook
It will take a few moments to initiate your request. As a result, the facebook page will load. On the top, you will see ads that kproxy has allowed. Enter your email address and password and log in to your facebook account.
In this manner, you can unblock facebook. Happy facebooking!