How to Troubleshoot and Share Your Wireless Internet in Windows 8

Sometimes, for whatever reasons, you can experience problems with your wireless connection, but there are some simple ways to troubleshoot. Also, if you would like to share your Windows 8 PC’s wireless internet connection with other PCs, it’s easy to do so.

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How to Password Protect Your Document in Word 2013

Microsoft Word is a word processor developed by Microsoft. It was first released in 1983.
Subsequent versions were later written for several other platforms. You can apply a password to a document so, the next time it is opened, the user has to enter a password to access it. This can be useful if you only want certain people to have access to the file.

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How to Sort Firefox Bookmarks by Age or Visit Count

When you decide to keep a Web page to look at later, you’re doing something called “bookmarking”. Bookmarks are simply links to sites that you visit frequently or want to keep handy for reference. Sometimes you have accumulated many bookmarks and you can’t find the one you’re looking for, but you remember that you visited the site many times. So it might be useful to display your bookmarks by visit count.

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How to Add an Email Address to the Safe Senders List in Outlook 2013

Microsoft Outlook is used for emails and also personal management of information, and is generally part of the Office suite of applications.
Outlook offers users many useful tools. For example, it provides a Safe Senders list that will prevent emails received from the email addresses in the list from going to your Spam folder.

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How to Forward Multiple Email Messages to a Single Recipient in Outlook 2013

Microsoft Outlook is used for emails and also personal management of information, and is generally part of the Office suite of applications. If you have multiple emails you need to forward to someone, you don’t have to forward each one separately. Outlook offers an easy method to forward multiple email messages to a single recipient as one message.

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How to View DWG files

In this tutorial you will learn How to View DWG files. Draftsight is a cross-platform software that lets professional CAD users, students and educators create, edit and view DWG files. There’s a free version and two paid versions.

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How to Disappear from the Internet

In this tutorial, you will learn how to disappear from Internet.
If you have no reasons to become an Internet celebrity, YouTube star or scandalous politician, chances are you might be a bit annoyed by availability your data and info on Internet.
In fact, you might want to disappear completely from Internet. That can be done, if you follow our ultimate “self-eraser” plan!!!
We’ll start with pre-requisites: searching yourself on Internet. Depending on your disappearing goals, you might use Google or the most popular search engine of your country. If you live in countries like Russia or China, Google search might not reflect the real picture. Examine the results: if the size of the “catastrophe” is bearable, you will probably end up with social network results, forum post results, some public records from university, company or healthcare register and alike. So unless you’ve ended up with real bad PR campaign against you, you can handle the disappearing mission on your own.

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How to Mine Bitcoins

A couple of years ago, the word “Bitcoin” sounded like a new gizmo. However, in 2013 it already became a strong online alternative currency. Even if you’ve lost the “first train” in Bitcoin mining, you can still get in it and make some profit. Here’s the overview tutorial on how to mine Bitcoins. If you’re not an advanced Bitcoin user – don’t worry. We’ve just made it accessible also by absolute beginners.

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How to Use Microsoft Office Templates in OpenOffice

First to note, Microsoft templates are copyrighted. If you want to use or alter them, you’re allowed to do it only for personal and non-commercial use. If you need commercial templates for Open Office, there are numerous vendors out there who can help you out. However, if you just need to create your documents in the old Office way, you can do it quite easily.

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How to Use Read Mode in Word 2013

In this tutorial you will learn how to use read mode in Word 2013.
The Read mode of Microsoft 2013 is a feature that helps user focus on reading the document and all operations that go with it: turning pages, zooming in and out, etcetera. We’ll explain you how to use the Read mode in Word 2013 in detail, but let’s start with your document. Whether you have your document on your desktop in DOCX or DOC format, you can read it with the help of Word 2013.

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