Tag Archives: Adobe Premiere


How to Use Markers in Premiere Pro

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to use markers in Premiere Pro.
For this tutorial, we will be working on a footage that has three different shots within a single clip. Now what if you want to identify the exact frame where the shot changes. This is where markers come in handy. They act as visual reference points which can help you organize a long source clip.

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How to Use the JKL Keys for Trimming in Premiere Pro

In this tutorial, you will teach you how you can use the JKL keys to trim videos in Premiere Pro.
THE JKL keys are quite useful tools in Premiere Pro primarily because the only way you can know if the cut has the right time is to play through the timeline and watch the clip in real-time. THE JKL keys allow you to play through the sequence and you can trim the clip at the right time by pressing a single key.
So let’s get started with how you can use these keys to navigate and trim clips in the timeline.

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How to Do Color Сorrection in Adobe Premiere

In this tutorial, we will guide you how to use of RGB Parade feature in Adobe Premiere for color toning and improving the digital video.
RGB Parade is basically a graphical solution within Adobe Premiere for enhancing the color of the video. All the three color channels in a video, that is red, green and blue, can be viewed and dealt with separately with this feature. This enables you to do a very accurate color correction.

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How to Add Video Effects in Adobe Premiere

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to add different style and filters to a clip in Adobe Premiere. For this tutorial, we will be adding film saturated color themed video effects where the subject will be more focused than the surrounding.

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How to Add Watermark to Video

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to add watermark to video in Adobe Premiere.
Watermarks are the embedded visible images that are used to identify that a particular image or video belongs to a certain individual or company. The watermark can be a copyright statement or even a logo.

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How to Use the Lens Flare Effect in Adobe Premiere

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to use the Lens flare effect in Adobe Premiere.
Lens flare is basically the reflection of the light which is scattered by passing through different sources of light, when the camera is diagonally angled against Hard Light. It is generally produced by shooting against the sun or high voltage halogen bulbs.
With that said, you can also digitally create the effect in your clip using Adobe Premiere. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will be using a sunset stock video clip.

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How to Use the Leave Color Effect in Adobe Premiere

In this tutorial we will guide you on how to use the leave color video effect in Adobe Premiere.
This effect is used to desaturate the whole clip, excluding one color, to produce a monochromatic video frame. For this tutorial, we will be using a clip of a blossoming red rose, where we are going to desaturate the whole footage except the color of the rose.

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How to Use the Chroma Key Effect in Adobe Premiere

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to use the color key effect, also known as the chroma key. With Adobe Premiere, green screen backgrounds can be removed very easily.
Using the Color key effect, you can remove specific chrome from the footage and combine it with the background. The whole process is known as Chroma key Technology, in which the video shoot is done with a green or a blue background.
To get started, you will need a video shot in green screen and a virtual set for the background.

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How to Make a Slideshow in Adobe Premiere

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to make a slideshow in Adobe Premiere. All you need is basic knowledge about the user interface of Adobe Premiere and some Jpeg images to work on. With that, we can get started with the tutorial.

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How to Create a Watercolor Effect in Adobe Premiere

In this tutorial we will guide you on how to create a watercolor effect in Adobe Premiere. For this tutorial, we will be using the Boris effects plug-in to generate the effect on the clip.

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