Category Archives: Web


How to work on powerpoint files online in Google docs

You can upload or create your own presentation slides in Google docs. These presentations can be edited online. You can add images, charts, images, videos, etc to it. All the changes that you will make will be saved automatically. You can share and publish your presentations online as well.
Follow this step by step Google Docs tutorial to learn how to work on PowerPoint files online in Google docs.

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How to work on word file online in Google docs

In Google docs you can add special characters to your word document, insert tables and edit your document in any way you like. You can use the different tools available in word to tailor the document as per your requirements. Working online on your word document has several advantages. Any changes that you will make to your word document will be saved automatically. You can upload your word document from your computer or create your own. Furthermore, you can share the word document with others and even work on it simultaneously. The changes you will make will be saved in real time.
Follow this step by step Google Docs tutorial to learn how to work on word file online in Google docs.

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How to work with templates in Google docs

Google Docs allows you to upload and create your own spreadsheets. It also allows you to share it with people who can either view the document or edit the document as well. In this Google Docs tutorial, we will teach you how to use the templates in Google Docs. You can choose from the various templates available in Google Docs and use it to your advantage.
Follow this step by step tutorial to learn how to work with templates in Google docs.

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How to work with quicklinks in My Yahoo

My Yahoo page is effective for quicklinks and shortcuts. It is known to have everything that you need to stay connected and you don’t have to go through multiple websites once you learn how to use it. My Yahoo provides facilitation for research, entertainment, apps control and many other things.
In this tutorial, you will learn working with quicklinks in My Yahoo.

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How to view attachments in gmail

Gmail is an email service provided by Google. Various features are provided by Gmail to its users which include less spam, lots of space, conversation view, priority inbox and lots more. A very good feature of Gmail is that it allows the user to view the attachment without the hassle of downloading it first.
Follow this step by step tutorial to learn How to view attachments in Gmail.

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How to use, edit and delete custom themes in My Yahoo

My Yahoo is a utility provided by yahoo through which you can create your own landing page. You can use existing Yahoo themes to customize your front page or can also edit or delete customized themes. You can customize the colors of different parts of the page to create a color scheme that’s uniquely yours. Moreover, you can change the color of the components on either page level or content level with My Yahoo.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use, edit and delete custom themes in My Yahoo.

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How to use the advanced IMAP controls in Gmail

Gmail is one of the largest email services providers in the world. It has many features such as spam control, unlimited storage space, chat, labs etc. It allows you to configure the IMAP settings, so that none of the messages that you delete are held in the emails and the size of the IMAP folder can also be configured.
Follow this step by step tutorial to learn How to use the advanced IMAP controls in Gmail.

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How to use keyboard shortcuts to navigate through conversations

Gmail is one of the largest email service providers in the world. It has many features such as spam control, unlimited storages space, chat, labs etc. It also has an extensive and detailed keyboard shortcuts guide which can provide you the whole list of shortcuts with their respective features.
Follow this step by step tutorial to learn How to use keyboard shortcuts to navigate through conversations.

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How to use keyboard shorcuts to navigate your inbox

Gmail is one of the largest email service providers in the world. It has many features such as spam control, unlimited storage space, chat, labs etc. It has a whole list of keyboard shortcuts that you can use while navigating around your inbox.
Follow this step by step tutorial to learn How to use keyboard shortcuts to navigate your Gmail Inbox.

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How to use images as backgrounds in My Yahoo

My Yahoo is an application which allows its users to be creative and innovative along with being informed of what is going around the world. Images and backgrounds that are used in My Yahoo are one of the many features that are catchy and can be utilized in a variety of ways depending on your personalization needs. You can use the preloaded backgrounds and themes already customized by Yahoo according to different categories or make some of your own with the help of colors and images. Photos for background are unique; and you can include them in your tabs with respect to its type and content.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use images as backgrounds in My Yahoo.

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