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Developers need to keep their developing environment up-to-date for better functioning of the tools of the developing platform. So in this tutorial we will learn to update eclipse helios to indigo
For that, first we will download a fresh copy of eclipse and then import the plugins of previous installation.
It’s a good practice to keep our development environment updated so that to avail all features, add-ons and plugins. So in this tutorial we will learn how to update eclipse to juno.
A Drupal Module is updated using the update manager which is accessed by the function update.php
Before updating the module, the site should be put into maintenance mode in order to avoid technical issues later on.
In this tutorial we will guide you how to update drupal modules to the latest version to avail the perks of the updated version.
A Drupal core is updated using the update manager which is accessed by the function update.php. It is always recommended to create a backup of the previous core, so that it becomes easy to revert in case of a corrupted site. Before updating the core, the site should be put into maintenance mode in order to avoid technical issues later on. So,in this tutorial we will learn how to update Drupal Core.
Abstract class In Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a type of class which is incomplete within itself, but they are created and used for inheriting (deriving) a sub class (derived class).