
How to Use HTML in Craigslist Posts

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to use HTML in Craigslist Posts.

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Basics Office PC Tweaks

How to Create a Font

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to create a font. For professional results, you need applications such as Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape. But there are other alternatives out there.
Let’s get started by exploring some of those options here.

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How to Identify a Font

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to identify different fonts. For this tutorial, we will be using 3 different sources.
So let’s get started.

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How to Backup Linux Files

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to backup Linux files.
Backups basically come in handy when there is a system hardware failure. All your data is still intact, and you can continue on working without any sort of data loss. Furthermore, accidental deletion and viruses can corrupt your data, and it’s all the more easier to recover the data from a backup copy.
There are two popular programs for Linux-based operating systems, the first is the LuckyBackup application and the other is Déjà Dup, which we will be looking into in this video.
Déjà Dup is a simple Duplicity based backup tool installed by default in Ubuntu.
You can even use other applications such as LuckyBackup. The application can be downloaded from luckybackup.sourceforge.com where you can even get a complete detailed documentation about the software as well.
If you are using Ubuntu, you can even use the Ubuntu Software Center to download and install LuckyBackup on your system.
For this tutorial, we will be primarily looking into Deja Dub.
So let’s get started.

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How to Encrypt a Folder with TrueCrypt

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to encrypt a folder with Truecrypt. Data encryption is completely based on cryptography, meaning storing the data in a secure, encrypted code.
There are basically two types of encryption. First is the symmetric encryption, where an encrypted message is sent to another computer which is able to translate the encrypted code into the intended message using a password.
The other is the asymmetric or the public-key encryption format which has a public and a private key. The private key is only meant for your computer while the public key is provided to the other computer which wants to communicate securely with your machine.
There are various types of different applications which help with encryption for example Cryptocat, a private and secure chat application, or Enigmail, a secure email client. Paypal, Amazon and all other services use some sort of encryption.
Although more secure, but for the average user at home, a simple symmetric encryption can certainly go a long way to keep your data secure.
For this tutorial, we will stick to TrueCrypt. So let’s get started.

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How to Add Apps to Your iPhone in iOS7

In this tutorial, you will learn how to turn on your iPhone in iOS7, no, wait: we meant how to add Apps to iPhone; but its just as easy.
Let’s have a look.

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How to Add Fog Effect to a Photo

In this tutorial, we will teach you how to add a fog effect in Photoshop.

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How to Add Night Vision Effect on Video

In this tutorial we will guide you how to add a night vision effect on a video in Adobe After Effects.

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How to Add Bookmarks on iPhone Running on iOS 7

In this tutorial you will learn how to add bookmarks on iPhone running on iOS 7.
Safari is an integral part of the iOS7 operating system, and its tokens can be accessed from almost everywhere. In fact, there are many applications, which are just well disguised webpages that execute on your mobile device at the time of invocation. Bookmarks are therefore a swipe away in your iOS’s online and even offline experience.

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