Tag Archives: create


How to Create a Recovery Point on Mac

In this video tutorial we will show you how to create a recovery point on Mac.

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How to Create Rectangle in GIMP

In this video tutorial we will show you how to create rectangle in GIMP.

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How to Create Instagram Effects in GIMP

In this video tutorial we will show you how to create instagram effects in GIMP.

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How to Create a Digital Signature in Acrobat

Adobe Acrobat provides with various tools for review and editing of documents, form, tables etc. as a Portable Document Format (PDF). It is an effective way of presenting information in a fixed form close to its publishing results. You can insert a digital signature using Acrobat and it can become an excellent way identifying the document as your own. Create a digital signature in Adobe and begin appending it on all official documentation by following this tutorial.

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How to Create a Vintage Poster in Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a software that can be used to express creativity or simply fix photographs. The inticrate options available in Photoshop allow users to create works of art with simple tool. You can create Retro in Photoshop and use these images as part of collages etc. Follow this step by step tutorial to learn how to create vintage posters in Photoshop.

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How to Create a Vector Blueprint in Adobe Illustrator

You can add different styles to illustrations and text in Adobe Illustrator. Using simple shapes and effects we will teach you how to create a vector blueprint in Adobe Illustrator.

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How to Create Icons in Adobe Illustrator

Icons in Illustrator can be easily made using basic shapes. In this tutorial, we will be teaching you how to make a vector messenger icon in Adobe Illustrator completely from scratch.

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How to Create Retro Typography in Adobe Illustrator

This text effects tutorial details how to create basic retro typography in Adobe Illustrator. Multiple fills can be created and many effects can be applied to Illustrator typography to give various outputs. The created text can then be used to further design something retro in Illustrator.

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How to Create a Vector RSS Icon in Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator gives many options for creating different logos and artworks. It provides an option to create a Vector RSS icon through a series of simple steps. Most logos are easy to make and can be perfected with practice in this software. To understand how to create such an RSS Icon in Adobe Illustrator follow the tutorial given below.

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How to Create a Signature in Acrobat

Adobe Acrobat provides with various tools for review and editing of documents, form, tables etc. as a Portable Document Format (PDF). It is an effective way of presenting information in a fixed form close to its publishing results. You can add Signatures in Adobe to append with each document that is sent out through your computer. These Acrobat stamps can be a great method for identification of files created by you.

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