Tag Archives: facebook


How to use facebook chat and manage to whom you want to appear as ‘online’

Like several other social networking websites you can chat online in Facebook as well and that too with effective options and applications. You can connect with online friends on Facebook via Facebook chat and talk to them, share photos, media files and links and video chat with the help of its new features. Facebook chat also helps you sort and categorize friends and lists that you want to communicate with at once. You can appear online to selected people and block certain people from chat as well.
In this tutorial you will learn how to use Facebook chat and manage to whom you want to appear as online.

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How to review tags in Facebook

Facebook is a popular website for social networking and the major reason behind it is the fact that it allows feasibility and ease to its users. Facebook profile options are multiple and you can figure them out as you expand your profile with time but you need to know the right and secure way of carrying out this process. Things such as tagging in Facebook, sharing content with public and even friends should be kept discrete and reviewing tags helps you do so.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to review tags in Facebook.

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How to create, post and administer groups in Facebook

Facebook group page options are really effective when it comes to assembling a number of friends together for a task, meeting, or planning out and several other things. They are also beneficial for social marketing and connecting people from different walks of life in one place. One can search Facebook groups of various kinds, and use them or a variety of purposes.
In this tutorial you will learn how to create, post and administer in a Facebook group.

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How to add photos and create albums and put privacy on them

Normally, in order to become more social you always want to share your as much information as possible with your friends and others. Sharing photos of different events and taking people’s feedback is the most common thing these days. But, you always try to keep few things private so that only certain friends or a very selective list of people can view this information. Once you learn how to add photos and create albums in Facebook and put privacy on them, you can maintain certain levels of privacy without any problems. You can also create an album in Facebook.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to add photos and create albums and put privacy on them.

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How to Change the Language of Your Facebook Profile?

Facebook is the most popular social networking site available nowadays. It has been developing its features and services over the past few years. Its users are continuously growing day by day due to its friendly interface and exciting games and activities. Facebook is also available in many languages. There are some interesting languages available on it which can give you a unique profile and new Facebook appearance.

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How to Create a Private Album in Facebook?

Nowadays social networking websites are very popular among the people. These websites provide various facilities like social games, sharing of photos and videos, blogs and many other interesting activities within a social network. Facebook is considered as the most famous social networking site at the moment. However there are still some privacy issues in it. When you create a Facebook album, it will be displayed on all your friends’ home pages. This problem can be taken care by modifying few Facebook privacy settings and change the album status from public to private.

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How to Link Facebook with Twitter?

Facebook and Twitter are the two of the most popular social networking websites available nowadays. Both websites are providing their services to millions of users. Many people who are using both services find it very difficult to keep up to date with both networks at the same time. This problem can be easily catered by connecting the Twitter account with the Facebook profile. Follow the step by step tutorial to learn how to link Facebook with Twitter.

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PC Web

What’s New on the Facebook over the last month?

Here you would learn about what’s new on the facebook over the last month. Facebook is the most popular social networking site online to date. Many people who have a comparatively large social network find it difficult to keep track of all the Facebook updates. The best thing to keep us informed about the daily events and activities is facebook notification. There are few more added features that facebook has recently applied on the platform. Timeline, a platform recently introduced, transforms the profile page into a dynamic history book where you can add information about your life from birth till date.

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