
How to Capture Screen on Mac

In this tutorial you will learn how to capture screen of a Mac.
There are many ways of capturing the screen of you Mac and the choice of method depends on the outcome you are looking for. Taking a snapshot of your screen is probably the easiest thing to do. Make sure your computer sound is on – we’ll need it for our further experiment.

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How to Open a PSD File without Photoshop

In this tutorial you will learn how toopen a PSD file without Photoshop on a Mac and PC.
How to open a Photoshop file without Photoshop? As strange as it sounds, very often the person is in need of quickly checking on PSD files without actually editing them in Photoshop. Besides that, not everyone is ready to invest in buying Photoshop, especially if they don’t need to use the program often, however, they may need to edit an PSD file from time to time. If that’s your case and you don’t have Photoshop installed on your computer, listen up.
Depending on the type of your computer, there are different programs that can and will open your PSD files and even perform editing of these files.

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How to Find Movie Recommendations

Knowing about a movie from different sources before you buy a ticket to cinema, buy a DVD or download it from Internet pays off. In this tutorial we’ll feature several websites that give good movie recommendations and beyond that.

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How to Learn Any Language with Anki Flashcards

In this tutorial you will learn how to learn any language with Anki flashcards.
If you’re a polyglot speaking several languages, if you’re a person in love with the sound of various exotic languages, finally, if you’re someone enjoying efficient methods of learning foreign languages, this tutorial is for you! Anki flashcards is a new cool method that works with learning languages, memorizing daily tasks and preparing for exams.

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How to Organize YouTube Subscriptions

In this tutorial you will learn how to organize YouTube subscriptions.
True YouTube fans spend hours and hours watching YouTube clips and leaving tens of comments under each video that they like. Some go so far as recording their daily life with iPhone and uploading hundreds of videos to their channels.
While usual Internet users do not need to go to such lengths to get the best of YouTube experience, there are some tips and tricks one can learn from hard-core YouTube users. This tutorial is dedicated to organization of multiple YouTube subscriptions.

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How to Skip Windows 8 Start Screen and Boot to the Desktop

In this tutorial you will learn how to skip Windows 8 start screen and boot to the desktop.
You can skip Windows 8 Start screen and boot straight to the desktop provided that you have Windows 8.1 version. If your computer is running on Windows 8, simply upgrade it to the next version – the update comes for free!

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How to Recover Deleted Files with File History in Windows 8

Greetings, Windows 8 users! In this tutorial we will show you how to configure your Windows 8 in such a way that it will recover your deleted files. We will demonstrate it using Windows 8.1 version.
The feature responsible for recovering deleted or modified files in Windows 8 is called “File History”. There are alternative methods of using other third-party software for file restoration (like Recuva and other programs), but these methods will not work if you use an SSD hard drive. Therefore we’ll feature File History as the universal method.
You’ll have to enable this feature, because it is not activated by default. Before enabling it, make sure that you have either an internal or external backup hard drive in your PC. If you’re working on a computer that backs up to a network, the way of using File History will be a little bit different.

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Basics PC

How to Install TrueCrypt in Ubuntu

In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to install TrueCrypt in Ubuntu. We will provide you with a complete walkthrough – from downloading the setup till the time, truecrypt has been successfully installed on the system.

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